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WHAT IS "CHASSISKLEAN TM?"  It's a word we use to describe our special process of scouring the your automobile's chassis, undercarriage, suspension and engine of all foreign material, grease, and dirt.  Couple ChassisKlean with our Restorative Detailing and you guarantee youself the CLEANEST automobile this side of a frame-off restoration!  The ChassisKlean process is painstaking and exhaustive, but yields the best results we have ever seen.  Is it effective?  Judge for yourself from a few of our before-and after-photos found below.  We perform ChassisKlean TM on many of the automobiles we offer for sale.  It is worth the money?  If you really want it CLEAN it is!


Q:  How is ChassisKlean TM performed?

A:  There is no magic here ... just a few secrets!  We use mild degreasers, heavy duty soaps, warm water, steel wool, small brushes, Q-tips, shop towels, and LOTS of elbow grease.


Q:  Aren't there places on my automobile's underside that shouldn't be exposed to lots of water?

A:  Absolutely, there are.  This is why in certain sensitive areas of your automobile's underside, the "toothbrush and Q-tip" method is the ONLY safe and completely reliable method of cleaning.  


Q:  How long does ChassisKlean TM take to complete?

A:  Precision Pointe wastes no time.  ChassisKlean TM is a VERY manual process.  We work on your automobile as if it was our own.  We work until each part is as clean as we can possibly make it.  As such, the condition of the underbody upon delivery is the largest contributor to the timeline.  Also, the smoother the underbody surfaces, the more underbody protective panels present,  and the fewer "nooks and crannies'' requiring "toothbruses and Q-tips", the quicker the process.   Some customers' cars have taken more than 100 hours to complete, others less than 50.


Q:  Is there a potential to reveal unknown problems with my automobile if ChassisKlean TM is performed?

A: Yes, but this is one of many advanages of ChassisKlean TM.  You will discover previously unknown or difficult-to-trace fluid leaks and be certain of their origin, making for easier repair.  You'll want to ensure you repair all oil-related leaks soon after completion. Leaking oils are insidious collectors of dirt, which, after being cooked on by the heat of the engine and exhaust, are difficult to remove.  The investment in ChassisKlean TM is not justified if your vehicle will be re-exposed to known fluid leaks.


Q:  What should I do to maintain the integrity of the ChassisKlean TM process once the service is performed?

A:  Although it's true your automobile's undercarriage will become recontaminated by driving, the advantage of the our system is that periodic maintenance can bring back the perfectly clean look with very little effort.  An annual maintenance cleaning is all that's necessary.  If you put your automobile away for the winter months, this is an ideal time to perform the  ChassisKlean TM service.


Q: Can I perform maintenance on my automobile's chassis myself and bring it back to ChassisKlean TM standards?

A:  Yes.  Once ChassisKlean TM has been done once, maintenance is easy.  Use a tall set of jack stands or a hydraulic lift to expose the underbody.  A stream of warm water, a bucket of warm soapy water, a lightly-abrasive applicator, and small-, medium-, and large-sized brushes are all that is necessary.   Remember to re-apply our contaminant inhibitor when your undercarriage is clean and dry. It makes repeated maintenance much easier.


Q: OK, ChassisKlean is a great service.  But, does my automobile need ChassisKlean TM?  

A: Maybe.  ChassisKlean TM is designed for clients who insist the "worth," "value, or "condition" of their automobile warrants the most extraordinary care.   For them their automobile is a "BEING," every part a perfect contribution to an immaculate whole.  Sound eccentric, do they?  Well, ask yourself the following questions.  If you answer "Yes" to any,  you're one of them!


"Is my automobile a treasure?"     "Is my automobile 'rolling art', or 'rolling history?'"     "Does sentimentality for my automobile override any cost?"     "Does it bother me hearing others compliment my automobile when I know it could, or should, be much better prepared?"     "Does the care I take with my automobile's appearance reflect on me personally?"     Would I feel the necessity to make excuses for the appearance of my automobile if someone saw it on a lift?"


Q: How do I get my automobile to Precision Pointe for the ChassisKlean TM procedure to be performed?

A: Call us for an appointment.  If your automobile is within reasonable driving distance, we recommend you drive it or trailer it here. If not, any reliable, insured, carrier can perform these duties. 


CHASSISKLEAN TM  performed on a 1996 Ferrari F355 Berlinetta

The following work was performed on a 1996 Ferrari F355 Berlinetta: ChassisKlean

Condition Upon Arrival: Medium Contamination

Level of Complexity of Surfaces:  High


Left Rear Wheel and Wheel Well Area:                                 23.25 Hours

Right Rear Wheel and Wheel Well Area:                               15.50 Hours

Rear - Exhaust and Lower Engine:                                       10.25 Hours

Center Chassis:                                                                 04.75 Hours

Left Front Wheel and Wheel Well Area:                                07.00 Hours

Right Front Wheel and Wheel Well Area:                              09.50 Hours

Undercarriage Covers:                                                        04.50 Hours


Total Time:                                                                         74.75 hours

Total Cost:                                                                         $4410.25

CHASSISKLEAN TM  on a 1985-1/2 Porsche 944


The following work was performed on a 1985 Porsche 944: ChassisKlean

Condition Upon Arrival: Extremely Heavy Contamination

Level of Complexity of Surfaces:  Moderate


Left Rear Wheel and Wheel Well Area:                                 04.00 Hours                    Right Rear Wheel and Wheel Well Area:                               04.00 Hours

Brakes Calipers:                                                                08.00 Hours

Rear - Transmission/Exhaust/and Transaxle:                       29.25 Hours

Center Chassis:                                                                 21.25 Hours

Engine Center:                                                                   20.50 Hours 

Left Front Wheel and Wheel Well Area/Engine:                     23.75 Hours

Right Front Wheel and Wheel Well Area/Engine:                   26.25 Hours



Total Time:                                                                        137.00 Hours

Total Cost:                                                                         $8083.00

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